Seven Types of Projects that Involve Hydrogeological Evaluations
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Seven Types of Projects that Involve Hydrogeological Evaluations

Hydrological evaluations are carried out to understand underground water properties necessary for different types of projects. It involves the collection as well as testing of water and soil samples. Hydrologists performed these studies to assess the feasibility of water-related projects such as irrigation systems, hydroelectric power plants, wastewater treatment facilities, and others. The following are some projects that involve etude hydrologique:

Assessment of Wastewater Disposal Systems

Typically, these projects include assessing both soil and groundwater to determine the right land-based wastewater disposal system for both commercial waste and domestic wastewater. Experts involved in these assessments evaluate available soils and geologic data, perform on-site testing, assess wastewater characteristics, as well as review municipal and state regulations.

Moreover, a soil investigation includes reviewing available soil surveys, testing permeability and infiltration capacity, as well as evaluating on-site soil profile. This process is meant to determine the soil’s characteristics and potential on-lot wastewater disposal limitations.

Evaluation of Spray Irrigation Systems

To assess a slow rate spray irrigation system, engineers need to investigate soil and perform preliminary hydrological evaluations. They use on-site soil testing, combined with meteorological data to come up with a site-specific budget. The assessment is performed to determine nitrogen uptake in vegetation and know it can potentially affect groundwater and surface water quality.

Assisting with Water Supply Development

This project often includes assisting in sanitary surveys, wellhead protection zone calculation, fracture tracing, and hydrological testing. Engineers also coordinate source sampling and perform groundwater under the influence assessments.

Analyzing Sink Holes

Hydrological assessments can also be performed in projects related to sinkhole presence and influence. Usually, the evaluator will review available geological mapping data, perform on-site visits, and document stream flows.

Monitoring Well Installation

Typically, these projects include assisting in monitoring well installation, design, and testing. During the design stage, testing drilling is conducted to get aquifer samples. Also, the gravel pack and screen size are sized in this stage. Often, during installation, investigators oversee the on-site drilling, as well as monitoring well installation, testing, development, and construction.

Wetland Mitigations

For this type of project, soil and hydrological conditions are assessed to help establish site-specific water budgets as well as determine the water table’s depth and nature. Also, natural wetland treatment systems can be monitored and designed.

Water Quality Monitoring

Hydrological assessments can be conducted to test, retrieve data, and test the quality of water. This project is focused on seeing the connection between water quality changes with other water quality data like total suspended solids, phosphate, and fecal coliform.